A Visit from the Goon Squad

I sometimes wonder whether I continue to read books because it’s what I’ve always done; the lovely simplicity and satisfaction of having stuck something out from the beginning, despite the distractions of television or the online world. As a teen, to be known as “a reader” seemed like such a noble thing to aspire to. Fact is that I seem to be reaching a turning point nowdays; fiction is not as magical and consuming as it once was. More and more I am looking back to older works, bored with the latest sensation. What worries me is that this time it happened with a Pulitzer Prize winner from 2011, no less.

I’m not going to say anything very original or positive about “A Visit fron the Goon Squad” – because I admit I skimmed it a little, annoyed by the snappy density; the disregard for the slower reader (hi Daz); the way it made me feel inadequate for not knowing the links between characters. The sheer American-ness of it!

Once I’d given up the possibility of enjoying it, I was further mystified and then enraged that 74 continuous pages of the book (a full fifth) was a series of cartoons which I deem a lazy contrivance. I don’t even remember how it ends now, a couple of books removed. Flicking back through it now a second reading would work wonders, but I am still angered by the cartoon bit. Starting to doubt my lifelong allegiance to the major prize winners now. Then again I remember feeling similarly about Vernon God Little a decade ago. Perhaps I am going through a bad patch..3 stars.