A few days at home

After some general fretting about an important server install last week at work – which went really well considering what could have happened, I took 4 days off and was immediately loaded up with home duties. I really couldn’t face the bomb-site of the backyard after the recent demolition, so something a little more modest was in order. Ah, fix the rotting front fence! I’m pleased to announce two good solid days of toil have much improved the situation, even though it doesn’t look anything special right now. Here was my problem: fence.jpg
There were a few other problems, like the local council repairing the damaged footpath and in doing so, cementing in one of the other fenceposts on a crazy angle, but I wasn’t about to attempt to fix that one. So, I changed the post out, giving myself a few blisters, and put all new fence balls on. Now the whole thing just needs a sand and a paint. Hmm – a few weeks work there. Whilst working out on the street, it was amazing how many males walked past, walking their kids in a pusher. I suppose people are still on Christmas holidays, but maybe the new age of house husbands is finally manifesting itself in Preston? Hey, maybe people thought I was one too?