Spotted any coloured shells lately?

A work colleague today mentioned in passing that he was watching a nature show in which an octopus placed a collection of colourful shells and rocks near the entrance to its cave, and then caught the curious fish that later swum in to investigate. It got me thinking about the human equivalent to this – isolated, but essentially gregarious folk who mass-decorate their sterile workplaces to ensure a steady stream of daytime chat, gossip and storytelling from people returning from the tea-room with a coffee. It starts with a simple map on the wall, or a footy scarf casually draped over the door handle, and builds over a period of time. Pretty soon, the interior of the office is full (posters, books, photos and Objects d’Art) and saturated with interestingness. In rare cases, to attract the shyest of passers-by, our intrepid socialite will resort to expanding it’s territory and populate the only space remaining: The outside glass wall. Today I managed to spot and document such a creature in it’s den, lurking behind a pile of old Mobil Memorabilia and a sea of exotic international photos.Can anyone beat this collection of entrapment items? ducie.jpgducie2.jpgducie3.jpg