Continuing on the water theme

After a late night of gaming last night (err..3am), we attended to householdish duties today. I grabbed some baby-sized bales of pea-straw from the garden centre for $12 each and tried to cover the bare dirt of our semi-failed vegie garden to keep some moisture in after the showers of the past couple of days. Whilst there, I bought a (non-native plant – sinner that I am) Bougainvillea that really deserves a better garden than ours, but they seem to like the hot dry conditions (or so I’ve read), so good luck to it. Photos will be posted in future.
Anyhow, THERE WAS AN INCIDENT in the laundry shortly afterwards, as our first experiment with trying to save the water from the washing machine to water plants (i.e new plant) failed spectacularly. I put a bucket in the trough to catch the waste water, but through some mindless idiocy I blame on lack of sleep, I left the plug in underneath. Overflow. Kim yells for help. Darren blames Kim. Kim blames Darren. Plenty of wet items abound.
It’s all ok now. She cooked a risotto with yesterdays duck leftovers courtesy of Victoria Street, we watched Black Adder for awhile and then she took refuge in Buffy DVD’s whilst I hammered out some atrocious Clementi on the piano till she shut the door. The dogs disappeared outside. Calm descended on Scotia Street – time for an early night.