Instance#14 Blackrock Spire (UBRS)

Finally we’re getting to the really scary dungeons, where no matter how well equipped you are, your strategy is everything. And we were VERY well equipped generally, having a couple of 64’s, a sprinkling of 61-62 characters and then there was me sitting on 59. The junior.

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Venek, Teryiane, Bridei and I needed to kill the nasty General Drakkisath (called Drak by his friends) so we could potentially go on to do the Onyxia instance at a later date. Whether or not anyone will want to do it is not the point. We managed to get a group of 9 together (our very funny guild warlock had a bit of a headache and had to bail), which is remarkable because I was sure everyone would be hellbent on levelling in Outland – so, many thanks to those who volunteered their time for us.
There is little to say about the Drak fight (I got to off-tank one of his minions – yippee a real job! 10 person parties are a mash of bodies and spells, so I welcome the (physical) separation of roles) which was skillfully organised and choreographed by the ever-helpful-and-knowledgeable Antheriel. When finished, since we had conquered all before us, Kaellen wanted to have a go at Lord Valthalak who is one of the Tier 0.5 quest bosses. This proved to be tricky business – he would regularly spawn near-invisible Spectral Assasins and has nasty Shadow Wrath spells, plus he could heal himself by 10,000 using something weird called an Energy Siphon. First time around, our tank was dead in 5 seconds and we all died in the next minute. Second attempt, we did a lot better, but only got him down to 50% health. It was getting late and everyone decided IT WASN’T THAT IMPORTANT, but it made me realise that none of these fights are easy, even with lvl 64’s hanging around.