Minor fall, major embarrassment

I’m not a clumsy person generally. Even if I do trip or slide I almost always recover quickly. I haven’t ever broken a bone or chipped a tooth or had anything dramatic occur that would cause me to question my physical dexterity. Until this morning. And I’m still very angry about it because it is entirely my own fault. It’s been more than two years since I’ve fallen from my bike, and to have it happen from a stationary position (whilst taking off), to the jeers of a goose in a car that deserved to have his mirror torn off, was humiliating. My wife wondering what the hell happened. I’ve sort of shrugged it off now, but I was furious with myself at the time. My “never fallen in cleats” record shattered along with my rear derailleur. Washing blood off my knee and hip in the stinging shower and cursing silently.