Off to Jakarta

Passing your wealth on to future generations more effectively…

I’m on a Singapore Airlines flight going to Jakarta, and I heard this little gem on an advertisement for (presumably) a financial services company – what’s it supposed to mean?

On to other matters. Having a second hard drive in this laptop is terrific, so I’ve installed a few goodies and even tested playing WoW (workable). I think Bridei got the shock of her life this morning when I tested the wireless network at Tullamarine and logged in and whispered her. The headset is going to make daily chats a bucketload easier and cheaper, so long as my Shangri La room has broadband (please!).

I brought a book about Indonesia and borrowed another called Affluenza, but for the moment they’re sitting undisturbed as I listen on superb noise eliminating headphones to a weird Asian classical selection on channel 05, and sip a glass of in-flight Tiger beer. Ahh…Business Class and its perks.