Reverting to childhood habits

When I was a boy, I was barely aware of it, but I spent a lot of time imitating my father. I drank tea like he did and I tried to read grown up novels that were beyond my comprehension for an 11 year old. And, of course I did Crosswords just like Dad, because it was the late 70’s (Sudoku didn’t exist in Japan till 1986) and it was before a time that people had computers. That’s what people did then. I was reasonable at Crosswords, to the point that I ventured for awhile into doing bits of the Cryptic Crosswords, which are a whole new mind explosion. Then came teenager stuff, music, recreational drugs, marriage, dogs and houses, and then a few months ago I decided I couldn’t stand the pap in the free MX magazine on the train coming home from work, and got myself a lovely felt-tipped pen and got to work. It was harder than I remembered. At the end of a day, my brain wasn’t quite the sprightly thing it was around 10am after a large flat white from the work canteen. But then last night I finished a whole one by about Clifton Hill Station – unprecedented for me. So, I spent the last 5 stations ogling awful society role models on the Hollywood page, where they rated the best dressed to the worst for the year. Gloating about how good I was – enjoying it because tonight I will only get about 2/3rds of it done. I think I got lucky with a few clues like “Half Ems” which was “ens”, and knowing the American “alumnus” for “Former Pupil”, and the notoriously hard “Man’s name” was made easier because I got the First and Third letters and it was an unusual name “Ivan”. I know that blogs mostly serve to promote ourselves and show the world just how diverse and clever we are, so I’ve done my bit for this week. Besides, it’s better than another Warcraft post, right?