Instance#32 Morogrim Tidewalker and Fathom-Lord Karathress

Oh man. I’m buzzing from this week’s awesome sudden progression through Serpentshrine Cavern. It’s remarkable how when you stall on an encounter for a week or so, it dampens the spirits and you wonder why you bother. Magtheridon comes to mind. I swear that fellow has just out-psyched us. But his time will come. I don’t know why things have suddenly clicked this week. We finally seem to be getting enough signups for the raids, and have started to focus on SSC a bit more seriously. Once you get a new boss down, the next night can be completely devoted to learning the new encounter, so we walk in fresh and willing to wipe, and (so-far) we’re managing to do it. As a guild with quite a few Paladin tanks, Tidewalker seemed like he would suit us, and as soon as we mastered the fine art of murloc attraction, it became a lot more manageable. Who’d have thought that having warlocks life-tap, and paladins heal them would be the most crucial part of this fight. We still have to work out how to get our Tankadins out of range of the Wattery Graves for this to become an “automatic” fight for us, but to one-shot this boss on Friday was amazing. Click here for a bigger shot.
As for the Karathress fight, it’s remarkably like the High King Maulgar one, in that you decide which of the bosses minions is the most awful and eliminate it first. Only – the boss himself gains that ability once the minion is down. Oops! We had a lot of problems with the healers going down when the combination of a spitfire totem and a 50%-of-health bolt struck. So, healers had to heal healers. I remember Kim saying that it was the most heal-intensive fight she could remember doing, and we had a record of 9 in the raid last night. Click here for a bigger shot.
Such a great feeling to be moving forward and looking at new challenges ahead. From a tanking point of view, both these guys are very straightforward, and nowhere in the league of the sensitive Hydross or the fast spawning ZA spirit bosses.