The film festival that wasn’t


A curious few weeks. We spend hours making a list of films to see at MIFF and then Kim’s mum admits herself to hospital with what seems like anxiety related health problems following her lung operation last month. Result: Kim is now making the 45k drive to Hallam twice a week to visit, and preparing meals for her. Making sure she actually eats. So, the first weekend of the festival passed us by.


Yesterday we had two films back-to-back. Silent Night had an intriguing, if slow start, and to me, was ruined by overly long repetitive scenes that gave so little to the viewer that I began to question the talent of the director. After 45 minutes, amazed that the tempo was still so glacial, we left, amongst a few others. I don’t consider myself impatient generally, but I knew I had 100 minutes to go, and a city beckoning outside, so cutting and running seemed prudent.


With newfound time, I explored the wonderful reading room of the Melbourne Library, and some surrounding galleries. Met up with Kim and had some coffee and lunch, before walking to Russell Street for the second film The Pope’s Toilet but the queues went out the door and down the street. Fifteen minutes later, and 5 minutes past the screening time we began to wonder where the pleasure was, and although we’d pre-paid, we felt like a drink instead.


Mistake #1 – Portland Hotel. This place always sucks me in. It has some great James Squire beers, but the wooden floors and inescapable rock music and sports TV’s just completely turned us off. We fared little better at the newly opened Little Creatures Dining Hall on Brunswick street a tram ride later. Why do people feel the need to blast music at you in enclosed spaces. I am delighted to report that the less commercial trappings of the Labour In Vain right across the road were a TONIC for this. Soft music, some pots of Coopers Dark Ale and the friendly attention of the bald fella in the photo of the link above proved extremely restorative. We got to chat to each other in peace.


Suitably refreshed, we trammed it home and walked dogs. I’m glad I skipped the films, because 3 new books, a six pack of stout, a bottle of Sangiovese, and some gallery watching later, it was an unexpected surprise of a day.


Please note. The above booze was purchased and is as-yet opened.