The weird spaceman guy

I keep hearing from John Howard about “the deep generosity of the Australian people” in regards to the recent Tsunami appeal. Over the last few days I’ve walked past plenty of Tsunami collectors (and to my shame didn’t throw any money in) who were totally ignored by the public. It reminded me that inner Melbourne is one huge relentless charity collecting machine. As a person who goes for regular walks through Southbank and the CBD, the whole process has worn me down to the point where I actively dislike the lady with the AIDS bucket who doesn’t remember if you donated an hour ago on your way into the city and asks you again on the way back. Or the humourless gold viking bloke who stands like a statue and gets narky with the inevitable teenage boys who want to steal his sword. There’s a horde of assorted buskers that are still worth a 50 or so if I’m feeling upbeat, but my big thing has always been The Big Issue. For me it was the charity that was most appealing – help someone to help themselves. Half the price of the magazine goes to the vendor. This recently went up to $4 and I decided it wasn’t an automatic purchase anymore. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone approach my favourite vendor for weeks now. People are charitied out. And then today Ash, Dave and I went a walking, and saw the weird spaceman busker guy again outside St. Pauls. The one in the full spacesuit who stands on a bus stop seat and does silly gesticulating. He had families of kids entranced and uni-students dipping into their pockets. One bloke was even dancing along to his special effects sound and dance show. I swear we saw about 8 people donate in about 5 minutes, and they all wore goofy grins that were a joy to watch. Long live the Spaceman busker!