Rats in the ranks

Two nights ago, I looked upon the mess of severed tree limbs, shrub clippings and weeds that have overcome my backyard and I saw a rat climbing the white wall of the bungalow. It was small, black and healthy and it had no trouble weaving amongst the lattice amidst a tangle of native Snake Vine (Hibbertia Scandens). Then I saw another. And a third one that was three times the size of the first. Kim said it made her feel ill, and I was inclined to agree with her. After 24 hours of internet research we considered ourselves better equipped to deal with this newfound menace and I slung weed after weed into rubbish bins before tea last night. Then today, I took the uncomfortable-seat-car to a workshop to have a tow ball fitted. Tommorrow we get the trailor from Dad and rip all the other branches out for dumping. Then, I suppose it’s time for the rat traps. I had been looking for something to get me off my arse this week, and the rats have done it for me. Rattus Rattus has saved the day.