Movie tonight – wish me luck


Contradicting my previous rule about not commenting on movies because the internet is already full of that sort of blog pap, I wanted to mention that we will be going to see My Year Without Sex tonight after work. It’s been awhile since I saw a movie, the last few being Watchmen (good), Sunshine Cleaning (good) and Bottle Shock (absolutely terrible), so let hope it’s reasonable. Maybe afterwards I can even convince Kim to go for a beer in a local pub before we head home in the chilly dark.

2 thoughts to “Movie tonight – wish me luck”

  1. Which cinema do you usually go to? I’m finding that now that I’ve left Melbourne I’m really missing Nova, Dendy and The Rivoli. I haven’t yet found any compareable ones here in Perth, with maybe the exception of the Piccadilly which seems to have gone very mainstream while I was away.

  2. We’re pretty lazy and go to ones locally (i.e Westgarth Cinema or the Nova). We usually head into the city once a year for some Melbourne Film Festival ones, but mostly we stick to the inner North. Laziness is a theme that surrounds us generally.

    BTW, the movie was a little depressing but fine. I thought Matt Day was a bit wooden, and it seemed obsessed with showing the genuine working class lifestyle to the point of monotony. The female lead was terrific and very brave. I noticed Kim shed a tear at the end.

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