A matter of time

Sooner or later the law of averages will get you. And this post is my therapy, to prevent myself doing something rash to an ebay individual called razzelldazzell. He’s probably quite a nice person to his friends – with a name like that it wouldn’t surprise me to find out that he’s also named Darren. Someone like Ash might find it ironic but also offensive that someone of like name could harm another. Anyway, he’s been rotten to me. The gist of it is that I bought a metronome on Ebay from this scoundrel. I asked a question about colour and postage 2 days before the auction finished but he didn’t reply. FOOLISHLY I BOUGHT IT ANYWAY. It was cheap. It was nice looking, and I need it to help me practise the piano (which arrives Saturday). He sent it, and it simply didn’t work. I emailed him nicely, giving him an opportunity to say that it was an antique and that it was never working (after describing it as in very good condition). He didn’t reply after 4 days. Here are the only emails between us: email0.gif email1.gif email2.gif email3.gif Hmm. I think one of the 3 things he threatens might include taking my wife and canines hostage. How does one react to this. I was tempted to write back saying “I got you to reply.. Ha Ha. I win” or “If you resend me one of the emails you claim to have written, I promise I will not rate you negatively”. I thought about how I have occasionally been accused of being a soft target. I thought about what other members of my family would do. I thought about how much money was involved. I decided to write this entry and wish bad karma on this individual and not rate them at all. Anyone want an ornamental metronome? It’s a beautiful poo brown colour!