A certain sense of relief

Although piano practise has taken a bit of a beating recently because I’ve been playing World of Warcraft more often, and doing other activities with Kim, I still manage at least 15 minutes each evening. The quick set of songs I work through has reduced to three by Bach and one by Beethoven, so there’s a sameness about each night which is now about to change. The reason is that the 3rd Adult Beginners Piano Recital deadline is today, and last night I did the best I could in 20 minutes to distill 3 months of solid learning of a Grade 4 piece (higher than I ever got as a 12 year old) into a 4 minute recording of a Sonatina by Ludwig Van himself. As part of the relief and closure of the whole affair – which was really quite stressful due to the difficulty and speed required, I’m now going to drop it and play some other stuff. I fluffed some notes, and my playing is uneven – despite lots of attempts to smooth things (what’s going on there?) – and the inexcusable right hand collapse in the last 5 seconds infuriates me, but it’s as good as I can do. So, if you want to listen, click here.