A double bed in Antwerp

Arrived in Antwerp at around lunchtime today – and after a slow walk into the main square (after Ash toppled over in the main street with his backpack whilst looking at a Flemish bra display) we checked into a hotel with medieval windows facing directly into a 500 year old church. Our moment of truth arrived when we spotted the double bed awaiting us but we were saved by the two single doonas. Somehow that’s enough to cause sufficient separation.


The town is full to the brim with folks drinking beer or coffee at outdoor tables and smoking incessantly. Indoors amongst the ashtrays and brownish decor, the cycling is on TV and crusty old unshaven fellas sit with their dogs looking at newspapers and wonder what’s for dinner tonight. It’s a completely atmospheric mix of history and culture, and I just love it. No photos for now – I just snuck out after a couple of Trappistenbiers which hit me for six and it’s beyond me. We’ll probably visit Ruben’s house tommorrow and do a little shopping, plus another round of cafes I suspect.

One thought to “A double bed in Antwerp”

  1. Sounds like you are having quite the little adventure. I’m extremely jealous. Have a great time out there and stay safe! Look forward to more posts of your goings ons.

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