For thge love ob Twistersz

I started off getting interested in weather when we got the Bagshot property. I had a revelation that plant growth, soil types and weather were all connected; so if I wanted to oversee a thriving ecosystem, lots of rainfall wouldn’t hurt. That year we had some quite bad drought and everything looked half dead, so I looked to the BOM for the forecasts and rain totals, and to Weatherzone for lots of nerdy weather forum chat and discovered a bunch of people whose PASSION FOR LIGHTNING FLANGS WOULD ROUSE THEM at 4am to post. One such creature is Twisters. Call him dyslexic and you’re not even half way there – he’s spelt his own name three different ways in this one post alone. He used to post from Mildura, but then came down to Melbourne to study. He’s in his early 20’s and his passion and knowledge has won over most of the serious meteorological folks, to the point that no one mentions his grammatical failings at all any more. Here’s today’s typical post about thunderstorms in the next 3-4 hours that the average person would think was an impossibility. twisters.gif
He’s famous for his “OMG,OMG,OMG”‘s – none today. Also, usually there’s a sprinkling of “insane flangs” and regular references to Mildura receiving “flooding rain” i.e 10mm of rain.